Posts in Career
Create proof points to show evidence of work

When you’re switching careers you might get skepticism about how your previous experience applies to the role you’re applying for. HR tends to anchor on what you did most recently.

That's why it's so important to create *proof points* to show you can do the new job.

What are proof points

Proof points are pieces of evidence that SHOW, NOT TELL that you've been doing the job unofficially.

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CareerWes KaoCareer
When friends give you advice, they may perceive you as the foil

All advice is autobiographical. We know to take people’s advice with a grain of salt.

But there are other, more serious implications of advice being autobiographical.

In fiction, a foil is the person opposite the protagonist. The foil is there to show who the protagonist isn’t.

The foil dramatizes the main character’s traits.

In your friend’s mind, they are the protagonist. Not you. Just like in your own head, you’re the protagonist.

When friends make you the foil, they give you advice as “you in relation to them” versus “you as an individual.”

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CareerWes KaoCareer
You don’t need to start at entry level

A coaching client with 7 years of work experience at a medtech startup wanted to do a career switch. She wanted to move into consumer goods, so she did informational interviews.

The advice she got?

“Start at entry level and work your way up, so you can get your foot in the door.”

I was shocked. (And insulted on her behalf.)

Look, if you want to become an ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON… Then yes, you should start at entry level.

Any change less dramatic than that probably means you have SOME transferable skills.

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CareerWes KaoCareer